Thursday, January 30, 2025

Creative therapy - Mosaic art


Mosaic tile art is easy and quite useful in enhancing mundane surroundings, glass tiles are easily available and can be used in this hobby without investing in expensive tools .It is also stress busting as creating something beautiful gives one a lot of happiness and is definitely a mood lifter ! Here is simple description of this glittering art.

Materials required are as follows-
1 Base such as mdf  coasters are perfect for starters and one can use them around the home .There are many substrates or bases which can be experimented after gaining some experience and confidence.
2 Precut glass or ceramic tiles or tesserae according to ones choice of colors and shapes.
3 Glue , any will do even school glue or Fevicol 
4 Grout  a special powder mix to fill up the gaps between gaps of the design made with tiles, easily available in hardware shops and also online.
1 Prepare the base by cleaning with a dry cloth and giving it a coating of white paint or gesso .
2 Draw a design on it keeping in mind the tiles in hand or wing it  if you wish.
3 Start sticking the tiles with glue according to design .The tiles should be evenly spaced as far as possible to give an pleasing appearance, more tile and less grout should be seen ! Let the completed design dry for at least 24 hours before the next step.
4 Grouting is the final step , white is safe whereas some prefer black or grey color.
Mix the grout with very little water , it should be like a paste which can be spread evenly  over the tiles with an ice cream stick  taking care to fill are gaps between the tiles  (gloves  are recommended if using hands). Let the grout paste dry for around 10 minutes or till it dries slightly . 
Take a moist napkin or soft cloth to wipe off the grout gently from the tiles once, and again after some time  to remove the remaining layer of grout  carefully.
Let the completed mosaic piece dry for a day , wipe again with a dry cloth to remove any grout  later over the tiles also remove any excess grout around the piece, and wait for compliments to pour in.

 Please click on my face book page icon for more ideas and hobbies, have a nice day !

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